
Zero 88 Jester 24/48

1.5 Day Week
Weekly Price: £60
Daily Price: £40

Feature packed 24 and 48 channel memory consoles for the mid level user

The Jester is a new lighting console from Zero 88. It offers direct control of up to 48 channels of DMX either using submasters or a traditional theatre playback stack. 12 auxiliary buttons are provided which can be used to trigger DMX devices such as scrollers, smoke machines or strobes.

A monitor port is standard on the Jester. Channel, cuestack and submaster data can all be viewed using the monitor. An onboard LCD screen also provides the user with all information needed to operate the console allowing it to be used without a monitor.

  • 12/24 or 24/48 channels of control
  • 24 or 48 submasters
  • Playback stack
  • Patching to 512 DMX channels
  • DMX in allowing snap shots of all 512 DMX channels
  • 12 or 24 auxiliary buttons
  • VGA-Text Monitor Output
  • USB storage
  • MIDI notes
  • Multi-lingual Online Help