The Yamaha QL5 is a digital mixing desk with 64 mixing input channels plus a further 8 stereo channels. It also has 16 mix buses, 8 Matrices, 1 Stereo Bus and 1 Mono Bus.
On the rear of the mixer it has 32 local XLR Inputs and 16 local XLR Ouputs, with the ability to connect to any of the Rio expansion input/output boxes. It also has benifits from 2 expansion slots.
We recommend pairing this with one of our QL5 remote application installed iPads to supply full remote control and flexibility.
We also have the Rio 3224 Stage Box in hire stock.
32 + 2 fader configuration adapts to a wide range of channel layouts. The QL5 is a compact console with large-scale capabilities.
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